Thursday, January 20, 2011

RIP :(

Poor Bugzi was still half alive so we decided it's time.... So we thought we were smart and flush it and it would go to fishy heaven, we were wrong it barely fit down the hole and now it's stuck in the pipes and our toilet is almost flooding.... So now no fishy heaven and a lot of work to fix this. Dang fish was so fat it barely fit now thats a huge fish:( he would been two years old on feb. 1st can you believe we had it that long:( We bought it when we started dating it was our pet together. Goodbye bugzi. We'll miss you and your cute fatness


  1. Wow. I hope he was fully dead when you flushed him. ;) That stinks about your toilet. Good luck with that. Sorry about Bugzi.

  2. Oh sad :( I hope he went peacefully :(
    Poor fish.


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