Saturday, September 3, 2011

Diet Drinks are BAD!...

If you know me well, I LOVE diet dr. pepper! Well I thought I could drink as much as I wanted and it wouldn't do anything to me, especially gain weight! Well I found out it does, no wonder I was going up on the scale and couldn't lose it. I would drink 3 or more cans of it a day! I decided to cut down on it. I only drink it here and there (yes I get withdrawals). Before I was 128-129 lbs. just a week days later I was l25! I'm so happy, I still want to be at 120, but hey it's a start:) So all of your out there that cant lose the weight get off the diet drinks:)

1 comment:

  1. hmmm, maybe it's the sodium content that make you retain water, thus making you gain weight? I wish I could give up diet drinks. Keep up the good work!


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